Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I am creating a powerpoint presentation for a "Now Sound" program I

am giving at Yoga on York, Maine studio May 31. I was asked by

the proprietors Rae Lynn and Jeff to emphasize the Kundalini. All of my

programs imply the Kundalini, but for corporations I have down-played

the concept. Kundalini is the source and force of all experience. It is the

powerful yet subtle energy that mirrors the spine. In the picture above the energy
centers or chakras are represented by the colors associated with the particular chakra.
The seven chakras are usually described as the Muladhara, at the base of the spine; the
Svadishthana, in the pubic region; the Manipura, at the navel; the Anahata, near the heart;
the Vishuddha, in the throat; the Ajna, in the center of the forehead, and the Sahasrara at
the top of the head. This energy is always there, always on. Duhhh! If it is the source and
force of all actions, where would the Kundalini go? Swami Muktananda told me while
there are diverse modes of awakening the Kundalini described in the scriptures, the easiest
and most beneficial is when the Guru transmits his own divine energy into the disciple.
This initiation by the Guru is called Shaktipat. The Guru can transmit the Shakti by touch,
look, thought or word. Baba in fact would come to you in the middle of meditation and
grab the top of your nose between his thumb and fore finger and hit you on the head
with a bunch of peacock feathers. Look, I am not making this shit up! My experience in
that moment was pure unadulterated bliss. However, Baba also said a few thousand times
that the highest Guru is the Sadguru inside each one of us. Therefore, once you honor the
energy within you as you, that energy inside of you will give you the "touch". The thought:
"I am the energy of everything and everyone" is the thought of the Sadguru. Once the
Kundalini is awakened, (I believe it is already awake in most of us, we just don't recognize
it is there or have words to describe the feeling we get as the Kundalini says, "Hey, numb-nuts
I have always been here...feel that bliss?") you are now able to "See". When you look at a
flower, it is no longer just a flower, but a mirror of the divine. It is perfect what it is. That is
the "look" of the guru. I don't want to mitigate the power of the Guru in the form of a great
Master like Muktananda or Anandamaya Ma or Buddha or Paramahansa Yogananda etc.
I just believe we may be missing the experience of our own Kundalini, by waiting around for
someone to awaken us. Love your own inner Self, your Being in this moment. Realize you are
already awake.


Pumpkin said...

this piece brings the very, very sweet memories of sitting in meditation with Baba Muktananda and receiving shaktipat. an hour appeared as "no time" after Baba came to me with those peacock feathers fragrant with heena oil. exactly as described, Baba would pinch me between the brows, hit the top of my head with the feathers and then Emptiness. I'm still sitting and hour every morning for glimpses of that experience of Unity. Anandamayi Ma is my true love,
though. She opens my heart continually.. like no other.Check out Sri Anandamayi Ma on U Tube.